13 Jul, 2011

ICTs: Emerging countries will lead investments

In a few years, emerging economies are estimated to be overcoming developed countries on the investment in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Countries like China, India, Brazil and Mexico are on the verge to become the world's biggest technology users.

These markets become very appealing for companies in the Technology business, which might find there an opportunity to expand and search for new makets abroad.

This study has been presented by the Conference Board together with Telefónica Foundation,called  "A connected world: The ICTs Transform Societies, Cultures and Economies". According to this study, the technological leap has to do with mobile broadband internet - when the internet broadband has spread all over the world, it was rare and underdeveloped on these countries and, at the same time, it was too expensive, which made it inaccessible to several emerging countries. The same study predicts that internet broadband will be universal until 2020.

There is also an exponencial use of computers (it doubled on the past 10 years). It is estimated that there are 86.4 computers per 100 households.